Thursday, July 23, 2020

Soft water, sweet

Soft water, sweet.

To leave a city
take a road a path a track
a river to where
softer water finds
calcium intentions
bathing octopus-inked
skin leather shell swirl fossil
flower and quill. She had carved a film
of salt line crease fold graffiti
circling an arm turning
in water, the dream
scape never seen whole.
To twist when an arm is soft
divides lines spread smudges 
mushroom to lightning strikes, 
our burnt toast heart swirls with legs!
Jumping beans! Turtle eggs. Blue egg 
breakfasts waving in blotches 
from a bandit’s nib. The painter, 
the pig's-ear carver artiste,
his bandit brush and her inky gun 
painting cathedrals. Our cerulean inks 
are melting drops of nostalgia...when 
nostalgia is sweet, soft, water.


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